Transporte : In the area of transport SE Consult offers strategic consulting services for all modes of transportation, in particular roads and ports with particular attention to sustainability of relevant projects. Energia: In the area of energy SE Consult offers strategic consulting services in the energy sector with particular focus on legal aspects of electricity transmission system planning and of planning and operation of renewable energy installations. Innovación:  In the area of innovation SE Consult offers strategic consulting services with particular focus on assessing the impact of sectoral innovation policies on the regional or country productivity and competitiveness Sobre nosotros Experiencia Lineas de negocio Sectores Equipo Trabaja con nosotros Sectores Contacto: Jenner 6 (1) E 28010 Madrid Tel1.: 0034 91 679 6056 Tel2.: 0034 608 4492 13 Fax.: 0034 91 308 0910