In the transport sector SE Consult experts have amongst others carried out the following projects: European Parliament Framework  Contract External Expertise Services Relating to Transport and Tourism Policies”, Lot 3: Maritime Transport, Intermodal Transport and Logistics, Inland Waterways Legal Assistence “Review of appeals to vessels sanctioning procedures” , Directorate General Merchant Marine, Spanish Ministry of Development Study on “The impact of a possible extension at EU level of SECAS to the entire European coastline”, Asistence to the TRAN Commitee, European Parliament Asesoramiento permanente a Innovamar (Fundación Instituto tecnológico para el desarrollo de las industrias marítimas)en proyectos internacionales Marco Polo Common Learning Action X-POSSE, EACI (European Agency of Competitivity and Innovation)n), European Commission Study on the potential of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) to reduce transport related GHG emissions, EBusiness Watch Framework Contract DG Enterprise, European Commission Study on “The Impact of Oil Prices on the Transport Sector”, European Commission, DG TREN About Experience Services Sectors Contact: Jenner 6 (1) E 28010 Madrid Tel1.: 0034 91 679 6056 Tel2.: 0034 608 4492 13 Fax.: 0034 91 308 0910 Team Work with us Sample Project Experience in the Transport Sector